

Do you ever get into random ruts? Sometimes I get in food ruts- bologna sandwiches, Progresso Tomato Rotini soup...

I also get to the stage where it seems that no one (including me-- especially me) in my life is interesting. I can't find anything new to talk about or think about or do. I get sick of my commute to work, my clothes, my job, my friends, my life. It's times like these when I'm ready to quit my job, pack up my shoes and run away.

Inevitably, I return to the stage in life where I'm satisfied ("satisfaction" is key to me- I think happiness is an ongoing process, but satisfaction is complete). But i always end up back in a rut. It's usually a different rut, mind you, but a worn out place in my life nonetheless.

Ruts. I hate 'em.

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