
this is why i listen to npr.

i love national public radio for a number of reasons. i'm addicted to morning edition because it gives me the news when i want it (in the, well, morning) and how i want it (leaning slightly left) and because of carl kassell (spit and all). out of the box is full of new music and paul shugrue's buttery voice.

the real reason i love npr, however, is the fact i often learn the randomest stuff. for instance, i learned on wait, wait don't tell me that size does matter. (some think size can be measured in five levels ranging from 'oh.' to 'get that away from me.' but i digress.)

female fish, it seems, prefer to mate with well-endowed male fish. don't try to take him home to mom, though, because the "third fin" has a profound effect on the ability of the male fish to escape larger [mercury-laden] predatory fish. huh. what did you learn on your way to the grocery store?



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