
the big 60.

Top Ten Things I Learned From My Mother
(in no particular order)

1. Everything is better with lemon: water, tea, steak, vegetables.
2. Old T-shirts make the best rags.
3. Crying in public is ok.
4. When you don't feel like crying in public, look up. That way the tears don't come out.
5. Sunday afternoons are for napping and watching football and most times both at the same time.
6. You can still love people even if their beliefs are the opposite of yours.
7. To call all sweeties "sweetie."
8. That it's ok not to know what you want to do with your life.
9. How to be a good friend.
10.How to be a great mother while still having your own life.

Happy Birthday, Mom.


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  • At 8:14 AM, Blogger Shocho said…

    Yay! As Joe has surely told you, level 60 is very important and worthy of congratulation!

    Seriously, good for her, that's really awesome. The fact that she made it this far with kids like you is an even greater achievement.

    Crap! I can't stay serious for even one paragraph. Congratulations to your mom on reaching 60!


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