
blogging for choice.

Blog for Choice Day - January 22, 2007

Last year on Jan 22, I forgot to blog for choice. This year I'm blogging late in the day (as I always do) but I actually remembered to blog.

Why am I pro-choice?

Because a woman's body is her own.
Because you don't know what's best for me.
Because sometimes there are no other options..

My roommate is anti-choice and, of all her right-wing beliefs, this one gets me the most. How, how, how, how, how is it her decision, or the decision of anyone else what choice is right for me? My life, my body, my decision. You shouldn't have sex until you're ready for the consequences. Right, because she and I are both SO PREPARED.

No, I don't know what it's like to face a decision like this. I'm the first one to say that. And I don't know what the best decision for me would be. But I sure do know better than you.



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