
a different sort of trip.

Dear Reader,

Here is a conversation that transpired between me and my sister on the way from Grandma's house to the airport on Monday.

Me: Ooh, let's go see the biggest skillet.

Anna [pronounced On-uh, lest you hear it in your head incorrectly]: Hmm, I'm not sure how far it is off the highway.

Me: Look, it's in Brandon, the dot is right there next to the highway. [pointing to the actual map as opposed to the hand-drawn map my father provided to Grandma's house. We had to turn around 3 times]

Anna: Well, maybe. We'll see if we see any signs to The World's Biggest Skillet.

Me: I did, I saw a hand-painted sign to Brandon. And it's just Iowa's Biggest Skillet, not the world's.

Anna: Oh, well, then. Nevermind. It's not worth my time to see IOWA'S Biggest Skillet.


Lookin Forward to Seeing the World's Biggest Prairie Dog/Ball of Twine on the Drive out to CO

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  • At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, I'm from Brandon and I can't believe you passed up the opporturnity to go and see it! It's quite a site! Be sure to stop by in mid Sept for the Cowboy Breakfast they serve up there as a fundraiser!


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