
it's 3:35 am.

...and here P-har (Mr Hotcop) and I sit, waiting for Miguel. Or the plumber. Either one would be fine, we just need someone to come clean up the water that's all over the kitchen, dining room, front hall and laundry room.

Our hot water heater exploded.

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  • At 5:41 AM, Blogger Shocho said…

    You said there would be trouble. Not that it makes you feel any better that you could see it coming.

    As Bill Clinton would say, "I feel your pain." Not that my water heater exploded or anything, but I'm sorry for your domestic appliance problems.

  • At 8:58 AM, Blogger Kathy said…

    Buzzkill. That sucks.

  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger Brad said…

    I have had the hot water heater go on me before. What a horrible event. horrible.

    Did that have anythin to do with the other random water you had around your place? Or is it unrelated?


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