
blo-aux pas

Is it wrong to go back and fix typos and missing links in previous posts?

As much as I love proofreading the writing of others, I hate re-reading my stuff, so I don't notice missing or mixed up letters til days or weeks later. I won't even start on the number of comma splices on my blog. But is that wrong? Is it like changing history?

Or is it like fixing a mistake in the next printing of a book?

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  • At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As an obsessive re-editor and a fast typer, I say you're allowed. Its more like editing the next edition rather than altering history, esp. if you're just adding commas and what not. Edit away!

  • At 12:17 PM, Blogger thisismarcus said…

    Go for it. I do it all the time.

    P.S. Happy birthday, Joe! I know you two are tight when Erika starts linking Star Wars humor.


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