
new school year.

Sunday School started again yesterday. HotCop and I share the teaching duties of the Middle School (6th, 7th and 8th Grades) class at the church in which we grew up.

Middle School, Marcus once pointed out, is just the right age not to notice when I'm hung over when class starts at 9:45 every Sunday morning. They are also the right age to entertain themselves whilst I drink copious amounts of coffee and water. The kids can't tell when I'm recovering from too much 7&7, but my mom always can.

This is the third year we've taught this class. The first year, we had four lovely girls who are the reason we taught the next year. Neither of us were keen on doing it again; but apparently you have to actually resign your post. We thought they'd just ask us and we could say "No, thanks." The 7th grade boy, 6th grade boy and two 6th grad girls we have this year all seem pretty nice. The 6th grade boy has reached his "I just learned what sarcasm was" stage, but it can be regulated with some standard-issue Stern Teacher Looks. Middle school is just the worst time for kids. Gosh, I hated it.

It's gonna be another year of Fun Craft Activities, "Why can't we watch Veggie Tales?(We always promise to bring in the more age-appropriate and far more boring Bible movies. That makes the kids cringe) and long Sunday afternoon naps.

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