
oh oh oh oh oh HANGIN' TOUGH

Listen up everybody if you want to take a chance...

Are you serious? Dude, they're like... adults and stuff.

Eighteen years later, they're still "Hangin' Tough." The oldest "Kid," Jonathan Knight, now a real estate developer, will turn 40 later this year. Since the band's demise, former members Donnie Wahlberg, 38, and Joey McIntyre, 35, have seen acting success, while Danny Wood, 38, has worked as a music producer and Knight's brother, Jordan, 37, has continued to record.

Who was is your favorite New Kid?

(I use the "music" tag loosely here.)

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so kill me now.

The smell of butter melting is like the smell of sweet death.

-Joe Alread

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Facebookers, take note.

If there is no Scrabulous, I will not remember to log in.


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yeah, ya think??

From a CNN.com article:

"It's true people sometimes need to be placed under involuntary mental health treatment because they can't take care of themselves," veteran psychiatrist Dr. Jeffrey Sugar said of the 26-year-old Spears. "But there's a difference between being detained involuntarily for psychological treatment and being forced to endure Dr. Phil involuntarily."

As if that girl didn't have enough people around trying to exploit her.

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merry and happy and all that, belatedly.

We spent the last week back in Virginia, where we told the same stories to various groups of friends. At one point Joe said "Are you really going to tell that story again?" I had to explain just how this works-- that I was, in fact, going to tell the same story again. It was new to THAT group of friends, tho he had heard it twice the day before.

We stayed a week which, as it turns out, is a little long to stay with one's parents. Or, more accurately, one's in-laws. I just want to go home, Joe kept saying. As I just moved out of their house in September, I was ok. It was so nice to see some of the old kids again, including Mike, Stephanie, and Frances (picture from 06); The Widow and The Choice; The Aw-zee and his GW; My Lovely Nora and Eddie; HotCop and Mr. HotCop (P-har); and my good friend Michelle.

But we missed so many people, too. I blame the fact that I went to the office on Friday. Never doing that again, unless the company pays to fly me across the country. It turned out to be impossible to cram in time with all our friends, even as Joe was ready to escape my parents.

If we missed you, I'm sorry. We'll see you next time. And, for those of you we did see, I'm sorry we didn't have enough time together. Come visit!!

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