
some thoughts on the postsecret event last night

  • Frank Warren is cute. I almost said my secret is that I have a crush on him.
  • I didn't bring my books to have them signed. It would have been pretty cool, but the line was long.
  • People shared secrets. Some were powerful, some... weren't.
  • Frank said he receives about 1,000 secrets a week and only posts about 20. Now we know why he doesn't post the other 980. Because they are probably uninteresting.
  • An attractive person can become unattractive when they go up to the mike and open their mouths. Brad agrees.
  • Frank takes it all very seriously. This is good because if it were me, I would yell at the microphone ramblers... SPIT IT OUT!
  • The best part was learning about the SECRET secrets... the ones that didn't make it into the book because, for example, Mickey Mouse would sue your ass.
  • The funny secrets are great.
  • Brad, Joe and I all knew going in that none of us would be sharing a secret. Or crying (although I almost cried). It was bit of a relief.

Questions I should have asked:

  • Has anyone ever shown up at your house? (The PostSecret address is Frank's home address)
  • Where do you keep all the postcards? (Frank keeps all secrets that are sent to him.)
  • Do you do all the legwork yourself? Scanning the postcards, sorting them, etc.

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it's not a secret.

Brad, Joe and I are going to the Lifetime of Secrets event in FoCo later this month. Woo hoo!

Since we're (Joe and me, of course) already engaged, I don't think this will happen (at least not to me). But I hope there are many new secrets and that Frank will sign my book(s). I am so excited!

[Here is where a picture of the tickets would go, except Brad has them]

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75 years of legal tastiness

New Beer's Eve - Cnn.com

Yum. Beer.

I'm pretty sure I learned to like (or not hate) beer at college. Many red plastic Solo cups of Natty Lite later, I have come to actually enjoy a tasty brew every now and then.

And I'm not the only one:

"It is the product of choice for underage drinking," said Michael Scippa, advocacy director for the Marin Institute, an alcohol industry watchdog group.

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watched it twice, right in a row.

If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl-- but by all means keep moving.