
tastes like what it's not.

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3 JOBS I'VE HELD: Ice Cream Girl, shoe store clerk, office bitch.

3 MOVIES I COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER: The Princess Bride, Good Will Hunting, Moulin Rouge

3 PLACES I'VE LIVED: San Antonio,TX; Hampton,VA; Florence, Italy.

3 FAVORITE TV SHOWS: The OC, Veronica Mars, Grey's Anatomy

3 VACATIONS I'VE TAKEN: Seattle, Spain, Chicago

3 WEBSITES I VISIT DAILY: Salon, washingtonpost.com, mail.yahoo.com

3 FAVORITE FOODS: cheese, burritos, carrot cake

3 PLACES I'D RATHER BE: on the beach of any given tropical location, in bed, in the bar of said tropical location with fruity drink in hand.

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and the gloves come off.

Ooohh... now tell me what you really, really think of me.

Here are the cranky and moody equivalents...

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all about me.

I want to know how you would describe me.

Then make your own!

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the princess dorks.



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happy VD

I wanna be your lover
I wanna be the only one that makes you come running
I wanna be your lover
I wanna turn you on, turn you out
All night long, make you shout
Oh, lover! Yeah!

In honor of Valentine's Day I've changed the color scheme of my blog. The colors are now blush and bashful. Not pink and pink.



real or fake?

Can you tell the difference between a fake smile and a genuine smile?

Find out here.



freedom of expression


Also, here's a link to a whole collection of the controversial cartoons. [EDIT] I removed the link because of my paranoid sister.

I don't know where I stand on this quite honestly. Probably firmly in the middle.

Freedom of expression is a vital part of our (and European) society.

But ARE YOU SERIOUS? I mean, Muhammed with a bomb in his turban? Do you LIVE in the world? Do you READ THE NEWSPAPER FOR WHICH YOU WORK?? How could the cartoonists or editors not forsee the severe consequences?

I just don't know what I think.



Today, Feb. 7th, is my sister's birthday.

Cristina and I are probably more alike in personality than Anna and I.

Sometimes, that's great. Sometimes, we can't decide who gets to do the bossing.

Anyway, happy birthday, sis.

Picture 7

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oh thank goodness.

"From now on, when someone needs to be manipulated, I'll take care of it."

Pooooorrr, long suffering Johnny. I'll miss his over-styled hair, scrawny body and...


Dead, dead, dead! Yaaaay!! I felt more remorse and more human connection last year when Marissa shot Ryan's evil brother Trey. AND HE DIDN'T EVEN DIE.

And Dr. Roberts and Julie Cooper-Nichol (although who didn't see that coming?)!

And Summer's gonna kick Seth's ass!

When is the group gonna find out Kaitlin got kicked out of her boarding school? Is it for non-payment or for bad behavior.



punx a crappy

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Six more weeks of ass.



my blog was so much better when i was unemployed.

We've all seen random Google searches end up at our blogs.

Welcome to those who can't seem to pay attention anymore! Hi! I have no medical advice for you or your child!

Anyway, I recently had a referral from someone who YahooSearched "Hiccups on Oprah." Wha?

I clicked through and there I was: the 5th hit. I couldn't resist finding out WHEN I wrote about hiccups and/or Oprah. Apparently, it was in August, when I was unemployed. Ahhh... the day I defined things as "before or after Oprah" and couldn't shake a case of the hiccups.

Along with the Oprah hiccup post I found several other actual written blog posts there in the August archive. Including one of the earliest baby panda posts (sniff, sniff). And also posts about Wal-Mart! Stensvertigo! Bar Crawls! My dad! The L-Word! I had a life!

My blog didn't used to suck.
