3 JOBS I'VE HELD: Ice Cream Girl, shoe store clerk, office bitch.
3 MOVIES I COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER: The Princess Bride, Good Will Hunting, Moulin Rouge
3 PLACES I'VE LIVED: San Antonio,TX; Hampton,VA; Florence, Italy.
3 FAVORITE TV SHOWS: The OC, Veronica Mars, Grey's Anatomy
3 VACATIONS I'VE TAKEN: Seattle, Spain, Chicago
3 WEBSITES I VISIT DAILY: Salon, washingtonpost.com, mail.yahoo.com
3 FAVORITE FOODS: cheese, burritos, carrot cake
3 PLACES I'D RATHER BE: on the beach of any given tropical location, in bed, in the bar of said tropical location with fruity drink in hand.
Labels: filler, on me